Stanza Generative Writing Studio

Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Starting October 15

Our theme for fall: The Turn

Contemplative Tending

Soji in Creative Practice

Next Session: November 10 | 10 - 12:30 PST

The Glitter of it

Notes on Process

The title comes from a quote I love from the novel, The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien:

“It was so tiny that you would not quite see the brasswork at all only for the glitter of it in the light.”

I love the sense of being able to see something by seeing the effect it has. This space – journal, letter, notebook, sketchbook – is a place for exploring matters of process & care.
You’ll find generative exercises, craft essays, studies, lists, guided writings, curiosities, recommendations, and references. It’s a place to share and expand upon materials from workshops I offer. Mostly, I think of it as a space for inquiry and conversation.