Bioluminescence is Very Millions

If you can see by the light of your own body,  you’ve clearly got a lot going for you.

These anglerfish on the page below, from Sir D’Arcy Thompson’s ecstatic natural history compendium, On Growth and Form, suddenly seemed like the perfect emblem through which to state our intentions.  Anglerfish live in total darkness and these luminous baubles help them find food and partners.  No doubt they adapted these lit filaments because they were just floating around, lonely and hungry, in the pitch dark.  Adaptation is extremely millions.

So this illustration became the So Millions letterhead.   We’ll post a clean copy so you can download it and use it to write your own intentions for the day.  Here is an example from a few days ago: “I need to conduct a sweep and clear away obsolete potential.”  Seeing potential, is of course very millions, but when something stays at a state of suspended potential too long, it can create drag on other more viable possibilities so it’s good to let some of those ideas drop and free up some of that energy.


As a postscript, we’d like to include the map below, which turned up in a search on “bioluminescence.”

It’s included here simply because the phrase “Milky Sea Night Color” sounded very restful to our ear.

If you are having trouble getting to sleep, just say these words:

milky * sea * night * color

And from there, just listen for your own–you’ll know one when you hear it–or try out different words together and create a calming effect.

Getting enough rest is very millions, so we’re going to call these four-word calmatives “Anglerfish Lullabies” Feel free to post your own in the comment box.



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